Project Information

Title: Community Organized Restoration and Learning [CORaL] Network 24220400

Project Year and Number: 2024: 24220400

Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: 2023: 23220400, 2022: 22220400

Principal Investigator (PI): Wei Ying Wong (Alaska SeaLife Center)

Managing Agency: ADFG

Assisting Personnel: None

Research Location: Spill Area

Restoration Category: Public Info. Science Mgmt. and Administration

Injured Resources Addressed: Not Specified


The vision of the proposed Community Organized Restoration and Learning [CORaL] Network is to create and maintain an ongoing framework that builds the capacity of existing resources within the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill impacted region to ensure that current scientific information, skills, and activities are publicly accessible and serve ongoing needs as identified by local communities. The Alaska SeaLife Center submits this proposal as the administrative PI on a program that will be conducted collaboratively with Alaska Sea Grant, Alutiiq Museum and Archaeological Repository, Center for Alaskan Coastal Studies, Chugach Regional Resources Commission, and Prince William Sound Science Center. This network design, with seven pathways for participation that can be entered in any phase of the program, is inclusive of existing and future EVOSTC-funded projects. Through the activities in each pathway, the CORaL Network will ensure that: science outreach is relevant, co-created, and culturally responsive to our regional communities, leading to increased public utilization of available knowledge related to the EVOS; the participation of regional youth in community-based science projects increases diversity in future science projects; EVOSTC-funded Long-Term Research & Monitoring, Mariculture, and Restoration projects are integrated with community-identified needs; and increased understanding of Alaska Native knowledge and relations, cultural competency, and collaborative community research principles lead to active, community-informed restoration projects. By the end of 2026, the CORaL Network program intends to demonstrate that the impact of an active, collaborative, cross-sector network is greater than the sum of its parts and to maintain these ongoing collaborations as a legacy of the EVOSTC.

This project was approved for the FY22-FY26 funding cycle.

Proposal: View (933 KB)

Reports: None Available

Publications from this Project: None Available
