Project Information

Title: Big Eddy Restoration and Improvements 24220611

Project Year and Number: 2024: 24220611

Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: 2023: 23220611 , 2022: 22220611

Principal Investigator (PI): Shannon Martin (Kenai River Sportfishing Association)

Managing Agency: ADNR

Assisting Personnel: None

Research Location: Kenai River watershed

Restoration Category: General Restoration, Habitat Protection

Injured Resources Addressed: Not Specified


This project proposes to improve the 16.7-acre Big Eddy Day Use Area by restoring and protecting habitat and enhancing recreational and tourism opportunities. The scope of work is divided into three phases as shown in the attached concept site plan. This proposal will fund Phase II, Phase III, and Phase IV. Phase I has already been funded by other parties. Phase II scope of work includes demolishing over 100 linear feet of existing elevated walkway, 350 square feet of viewing deck, and a set of river access stairs that have surpassed their intended design lives and are in a state of disrepair. 160 feet of next‐generation elevated light‐penetrating (ELP) walkway with river access stairs will be constructed for river access that protects riparian resources. 150 feet of deteriorating riverbank will be restored using bio‐engineered techniques. Additionally, two interpretive signs will be updated under this phase. Phase III scope of work expands riverbank protection and access opportunities to the greater Big Eddy facility. This phase will construct up to 850 linear feet of new ELP walkway and five sets of river access stairs to disperse use in a managed fashion. A 30‐stall parking area will also be constructed away from the riverbank to meet user demand help prevent haphazard in sensitive riparian areas. The work will also include three interpretive panels to facilitate redirecting human impact and to promote public participation in the long‐term success of the project and project objectives.

Phase IV includes paving the 500‐foot section of Big Eddy Road that goes through the park unit and the existing gravel parking area. An orientation kiosk will be constructed at the existing parking area to help with site messaging and wayfinding within the facility.

This project was approved for the FY22-FY26 funding cycle.

Proposal: View (488 KB)

FY24 Q1 Report: View (1,047 KB)

Publications from this Project: None Available
