Project Information

Title: Assessment of the Areal Distribution and Amount of Lingering Oil in Prince William Sound and the Gulf of Alaska 070801

Project Year and Number: 2007: 070801

Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: None

Principal Investigator (PI): Jacqui Michel (Research Planning; Inc.)

Managing Agency: NOAA

Assisting Personnel: Gail Irvine, Jeff Short

Research Location: Prince William Sound and the Gulf of Alaska (Kenai Peninsula and Kodiak Strait)

Restoration Category: Research

Injured Resources Addressed: Not Specified

Abstract: The proposed study is to develop and implement a statistically rigorous field study and spatial modeling analysis to produce maps showing the probability of lingering oil in areas of Prince William Sound and the Gulf of Alaska that were affected by the Exxon Valdez oil spill. We will also estimate the area and volume of oiled sediments in these areas as of 2007. Sediment samples will be analyzed to fingerprint the source of the oil residues, characterize them as to the degree of weathering and risk to exposed biota, and determine treatability using bioremediation. The results will provide key data for use in developing more detailed remediation plans and priority areas for remediation. The probability maps will allow researchers to identify locations where oil persists with much greater precision, leading to more sensitive studies of the long-term effects of the lingering oil on biota in the spill-impact regions.

Proposal: View (460 KB)

Annual Report FY07: View (56 KB)
Annual Report FY08: View (68 KB)
Final Report: View (43,380 KB)

Publications from this Project: None Available

EVOSTC Data Archive: Data for this project was received in September 2010, on 8 CDs. The originals and a complete set of copies (made by ARLIS IT staff) are located in the 070801 project file in the Project File room of the EVOSTC office. cah 4/7/2014.