Project Information

Title: ADNR/DPOR Riverbed Habitat Restoration & Protection 17170116

Project Year and Number: 2017: 17170116

Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: None

Principal Investigator (PI): Rys Miranda

Managing Agency: ADNR

Assisting Personnel: None

Research Location: Kenai Peninsula

Restoration Category: General Restoration, Habitat Protection

Injured Resources Addressed: Not Specified


The Department of Natural Resources, Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation (DNR-DPOR) is submitting six projects for funding under the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill (EVOS) Restoration Program. Listed in order of descending priority, the six projects are: 1.Kenai River Special Management Area (KRSMA): Kenai River Flats Riverbank Protection, Phase I – Total project cost: $1,436,650 | Total recommended by ED for funding (with GA): $327,000 2. KRSMA: Eagle Rock Riverbank Protection – Total project cost $410,450 | Total recommended by ED for funding (with GA): $447,391 3. Crooked Creek State Recreation Site Riverbank Restoration– Total project cost $445,900 | Total recommended by ED for funding (with GA): $486,031 4. KRSMA: Kenai River Ranch Riverbank Restoration – Total project cost $166,200 | Total recommended by ED for funding (with GA): $181,158 5. KRSMA: Pipeline Crossing Riverbank Restoration – Total project cost $282,450 | Total recommended by ED for funding (with GA): $307,871 6. Anchor River State Recreation Area Riverbank Protection – Total project cost $426,600 | Total recommended by ED for funding (with GA): $464,994 These six projects address fish habitat restoration and protection of spill area ecosystems that support numerous species affected by EVOS. The primary goal of each project is to restore fish habitats that have been adversely impacted by human activity and to provide continuing habitat protection into the future. These projects restore and protect fish habitats that have been and continue to be adversely impacted by human activities and will limit future access so that those restored areas will be protected while still accommodating human activities, such as recreational use. These projects are very similar in character, scope, and objective as the previous EVOSTC­ funded project "Kenai River Habitat Restoration and Recreational Enhancement Project" (Restoration Project 96180/99180), which was performed during the late 1990s. Additionally, these projects are also aligned with DNR-DPOR management documents or development plans such as the Kenai River Comprehensive Management Plan.

Proposal: View (395 KB)

FY22 Q1 Report: View (344 KB)
FY22 Q2 Report: View (345 KB)
FY22 Q3 Report: View (313 KB)
FY22 Q4 Report: View (888 KB)
FY23 Q1 Report: View (295 KB)
FY23 Q2 Report: View (296 KB)
FY23 Q3 Report: View (339 KB)
FY23 Q4 Report: View (296 KB)
FY24 Q1 Report: View (302 KB)
FY24 Q2 Report: View (651 KB)
FY24 Q3 Report: View (1,056 KB)
FY24 Q4 Report: View (1,056 KB)
Final Report: Not available. For current status, please contact us.

Publications from this Project: None Available