Click here for a pdf of the following information.
Annual Funding Review: Currently, all proposals (new and multi-year) are reviewed annually for funding for the next EVOSTC fiscal year. Reviewers include the Council staff, EVOSTC Science Panel, EVOSTC Public Advisory Committee and the Trustee Council. Multi-year proposals include information on project progress and any requested changes to the original proposal and budget.
Annual and Final Reports: Funded projects are required to submit annual reports detailing project progress, including budget actuals and timelines for deliverables. Multi-year projects provide annual reports, with the exception of the first and last fiscal year; a final report is submitted after the end of the last fiscal year of the project. Reports are reviewed by Council staff and the EVOSTC Science Panel and made available on the website after approval. Final reports are also published and archived at EVOSTC and ARLIS, electronic copies are available on the EVOSTC website, program websites and also submitted to the Alaska State Library and NTIS (National Technical Information Services).
Synthesis Report in Year 4: Initiated in FY12, the EVOSTC Long-Term Monitoring (Gulf Watch Alaska) and EVOSTC Long-Term Herring Research and Monitoring Programs are required to submit a synthesis report for each Program in year 4 (FY15, FY20) of the 5-year cycles of the Programs. These synthesis reports inform stakeholders of the current state of knowledge on the ecosystem components within the region.
Current reporting procedures are provided here on the website.