This review process is for proposals submitted in response to the current Invitation for Proposals.
How do I submit a proposal?
Please see the Proposal Submission Process page.
What happens after I submit my proposal?
Proposals are reviewed, processed and organized into a draft Annual Work Plan and other documents in preparation for the Council meetings. It is also circulated to reviewers (see below).
Who reviews my proposal?
Proposals submitted to EVOSTC are circulated to reviewers which may include the Council’s Science Panel, Public Advisory Committee, legal counsel, state and federal agency staff, technical and other advisors, and other expert advisors. Funding decisions are made by the Trustees at a Council meeting.
What is the timeline for the Council meetings?
At their January 19, 2021 meeting, the Trustee Council approved shift the annual public meeting and funding process to five-year cycle (See Resolution 21-02). Typically, the Council meets in the autumn. This cycle is based on the EVOSTC fiscal year, which starts February 1. The Council may choose to hold additional meetings. See Events for past and upcoming Council meetings.
What is the Annual Work Plan?
The Annual Work Plan is a working document that has evolved over the life of the Council. It currently includes summaries of the scientific research, monitoring, general restoration projects, capital and habitat enhancement projects considered for funding by the Trustee Council in each fiscal year. Information in the annual work plans typically includes project abstracts, funding amount requested and may also include a number of funding recommendations, reviewer comments and any proposer responses to those comments.
Will my proposal be posted on the EVOSTC website?
Funded proposals will be publicly available on the website. Annual and final science project reports will be posted once they are accepted by the Science Director.
My proposal was given a fund decision. What happens next?
You will be contacted by the EVOSTC office shortly after with information on how funding will be transferred and released.
My proposal was not funded. Should I address the reviewers’ comments and try again if there is another call for proposals?
You are welcome to submit a revised proposal for review in response to any future call for proposals. However, submitting a revised proposal does not guarantee that your proposal will be funded.
If you have further questions, please contact our office.