Restoration Project Search

The 1989 grounding of the Exxon Valdez in Prince William Sound presented an enormous technical challenge to resource managers in Alaska. Documenting injury to natural resources and fostering their restoration across hundreds of miles of poorly-studied coastline in a scientifically defensible manner were extremely difficult tasks, never before undertaken on such a grand scale.

Now it is possible to locate online much of the research that has been funded by the Trustee Council since the settlement, including annual and final reports for specific projects. If you have technical problems or need assistance locating a specific project report, please contact research staff.


Injured Resource: Pink Salmon

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Search Results

Number Project Title Restoration Category Fiscal Year
24220612 Eyak Lake Weir Restoration General Restoration, Habitat Protection 2024
23220612 Eyak Lake Weir Restoration General Restoration, Habitat Protection 2023
22220612 Eyak Lake Weir Restoration General Restoration, Habitat Protection 2022
20200135 Kenai River Special Management Area: Eagle Rock Facility Improvements General Restoration, Habitat Protection 2020
19190124 PWS Instream Flow Protection Habitat Protection 2019
19190121 KRSMA Funny River & Morgan’s Landing Riverbank Restoration General Restoration, Habitat Protection 2019
17170119 Buskin River Watershed General Restoration, Habitat Protection 2017
060784 Commercial Fishery Synthesis and Modeling Research 2006
050758 SEA Pink Salmon Survival Model Research 2005
050757 Pink Salmon Survival Models Research 2005
030561 Community-Based Forage Fish Sampling Research 2003
030476 Oiled Incubation Substrate on Salmon Research 2003
030190 Linkage Map for the Pink Salmon Genome Research 2003
02561 Community Based Forage Fish Sampling Research 2002
02492 Bias in Salmon Embryo Studies Research 2002
02476 Oiled Incubation Substrate on Salmon Research 2002
02320 SEA: Printing Research 2002
02195 Pristane Monitoring in Mussels Monitoring 2002
02190 Linkage Map for the Pink Salmon Genome Research 2002
01492 Bias in Salmon Embryo Studies Research 2001
01476 Oiled Incubation Substrate on Salmon Research 2001
01454-CLO Persistent Oil Contamination in Pink Salmon Research 2001
01452-BAA Competitor/Predators of Pink Salmon Fry Research 2001
01366-CLO Improved Salmon Escapement Research 2001
01195 Pristane Monitoring in Mussels Monitoring 2001
01190 Linkage Map for the Pink Salmon Genome Research 2001
00598 Resolution of Mixtures Containing Exxon Valdez Oil Research 2000
00541-BAA PWS Isotope Ecology Research 2000
00476 Oiled Incubation Substrate on Salmon Research 2000
00454 Persistent Oil Contamination in Pink Salmon Research 2000
00366 Improved Salmon Escapement Monitoring 2000
00320-BAA SEA: Publishing Research 2000
00263 Salmon Streams in Lower Cook Inlet General Restoration 2000
00225 Port Graham Pink Salmon Project General Restoration 2000
00195 Pristane Monitoring in Mussels Monitoring 2000
00190 Linkage Map for the Pink Salmon Genome Research 2000
00180-CLO Kenai River Restoration General Restoration 2000
00139-A2 Port Dick Creek Tributary Restoration General Restoration 2000
99476 Oiled Incubation Substrate on Salmon Research 1999
99405 Port Graham Hatchery Reconstruction General Restoration 1999
99367 Synthesis and Publication of Fisheries Research Research 1999
99366 Remote Video and Time-Lapse Recording Monitoring 1999
99346 Sand Lance Bibliography Research 1999
99329 Toxicological Impacts on Pink Salmon Research 1999
99320-N-CLO SEA: Acoustic Assessments of Salmon Predators Research 1999
99320-E-CLO SEA: Salmon and Herring Predation Research 1999
99320-CLO SEA: Sound Ecosystem Assessment Research 1999
99263 Port Graham Salmon Stream Enhancement General Restoration 1999
99225 Port Graham Pink Salmon Project General Restoration 1999
99196-CLO Genetic Structure Research 1999
99195 Pristane Monitoring in Mussels Monitoring 1999
99191-A-CLO Oil-Related Embryo Mortalities Research 1999
99190 Linkage Map for the Pink Salmon Genome Research 1999
99188-CLO Otolith Thermal Mass Marking General Restoration 1999
99180 Kenai River Restoration General Restoration 1999
99139-A2 Port Dick Creek Tributary Restoration General Restoration 1999
98346 Sand Lance Publication Research 1998
98329 Toxicological Impacts on Pink Salmon Research 1998
98320-Y SEA: Bird Predation on Salmon Fry Research 1998
98320-E SEA: Salmon and Herring Predation Research 1998
98320 SEA: Sound Ecosystem Assessment Research 1998
98263 Port Graham Salmon Stream Enhancement Research 1998
98225 Port Graham Pink Salmon Project General Restoration 1998
98220-CLO Eastern PWS Salmon Habitat Restoration General Restoration 1998
98196 Genetic Structure Research 1998
98195 Pristane Monitoring in Mussels Monitoring 1998
98194-CLO Spawning Habitat Recovery Research 1998
98191-A1 Oil-Related Embryo Mortalities Monitoring 1998
98190 Linkage Map for the Pink Salmon Genome Research 1998
98188 Otolith Thermal Mass Marking General Restoration 1998
98186-CLO Coded Wire Tag Recoveries From Pink Salmon General Restoration 1998
98180 Kenai River Restoration General Restoration 1998
98163-A APEX: Forage Species Studies Research 1998
98139-A2 Port Dick Creek Tributary Restoration General Restoration 1998
98139-A1-CLO Waterfall Creek Bypass Instream Restoration General Restoration 1998
98076 Effects of Oil on Salmon Survival and Straying Research 1998
97320-U SEA: Somatic and Spawning Energetics of Herring, Pollock, and Pink Salmon Research 1997
97320-E SEA: Salmon and Herring Program Research 1997
97320 SEA: Sound Ecosystem Assessment Research 1997
97263 Port Graham Salmon Stream Enhancement General Restoration 1997
97225 Port Graham Pink Salmon Project General Restoration 1997
97220 Eastern PWS Salmon Habitat Restoration General Restoration 1997
97197 Alaska SeaLife Center Fish Pass Research 1997
97196 Genetic Structure Research 1997
97195 Pristane Monitoring in Mussels Monitoring 1997
97194 Spawning Habitat Recovery Research 1997
97191-A2 Examination of Oil-Related Embryo Mortalities Research 1997
97191-A1 Injury to Pink Salmon Embryos Monitoring 1997
97191-A Oil-Related Embryo Mortalities Research 1997
97190 Linkage Map for the Pink Salmon Genome Research 1997
97188 Otolith Thermal Mass Marking General Restoration 1997
97186 Coded Wire Tag Recoveries From Pink Salmon General Restoration 1997
97180 Kenai River Restoration General Restoration 1997
97163-C APEX: Forage Fish Diet Research 1997
97163-A APEX: Forage Species Studies in PWS Research 1997
97139-A2 Port Dick Creek Tributary Restoration General Restoration 1997
97139-A1 Waterfall Creek Bypass Instream Restoration General Restoration 1997
97076 Effects of Oil on Salmon Survival and Straying Research 1997
96320-Z1 SEA: Synthesis and Integration Research 1996
96320-Y SEA: Predation Rates on Hatchery-Released Fry Research 1996
96320-U SEA: Energetics of Herring, Pollock, & Salmon Research 1996
96320-R SEA: Modeling through remote sensing Research 1996
96320-N SEA: Nekton/Plankton Acoustics Research 1996
96320-K SEA: Experimental Fry Release Research 1996
96320-I SEA: Isotope Tracers - Food Webs of Fish Research 1996
96320-G SEA: Phytoplankton and Nutrients Research 1996
96320-E SEA: Salmon and Herring Predation Research 1996
96320 SEA: Sound Ecosystem Assessment Research 1996
96225 Port Graham Pink Salmon Project General Restoration 1996
96222 Chenega Bay Salmon Habitat Enhancement General Restoration 1996
96220 Wildstock Salmon Habitat Restoration General Restoration 1996
96196 Genetic Structure of PWS Pink Salmon Research 1996
96195 Pristane Monitoring in Mussels Monitoring 1996
96191-B Injury to Salmon Eggs and Pre-Emergent Fry Research 1996
96191-A1 Injury to Pink Salmon Embryos Monitoring 1996
96191-A Embryo Mortalities in PWS Pink Salmon Research 1996
96190 Linkage Map for the Pink Salmon Genome Research 1996
96188 Otolith Thermal Mass Marking General Restoration 1996
96186 Coded Wire Tag Recoveries From Pink Salmon General Restoration 1996
96180 Kenai River Restoration General Restoration 1996
96163-C APEX: Fish Diet Overlap Research 1996
96163-A1 APEX: Abundance and Distribution of Forage Fish Research 1996
96163-A APEX: Forage Fish and Restoration Research 1996
96139-A2 Spawning Channel Construction General Restoration 1996
96139-A1 Waterfall Creek Bypass Instream Restoration General Restoration 1996
96076 Effects of Oil on Salmon Survival and Straying Research 1996
95505-B Aerial Photographs to Predict Habitat Availability Research 1995
95320-Y SEA: Local Predation Rates on Hatchery-Released Fry Research 1995
95320-N SEA: Nearshore Fish Research 1995
95320-K SEA: Experimental Fry Release Research 1995
95320-I2 SEA: Stable Isotope Tracers - Food Webs of Fish Research 1995
95320-I SEA: Isotope Tracers - Food Web Dependencies Research 1995
95320-G SEA: Phytoplankton and Nutrients Research 1995
95320-E SEA: Juvenile Salmon and Herring Integration Research 1995
95320-D SEA: Pink Salmon Genetics General Restoration 1995
95320-C SEA: Otolith Thermal Mass Marking General Restoration 1995
95320-B SEA: PWS Pink Salmon Stock Identification General Restoration 1995
95320-A SEA: Salmon Growth and Mortality Research 1995
95320 SEA: Sound Ecosystem Assessment Research 1995
95191-B Salmon Damage Assessment Research 1995
95191-A2 Laboratory Examination of Oil-Related Embryo Mortalities Research 1995
95191-A1 Injury to Pink Salmon Embryos Monitoring 1995
95191-A Oil Related Egg and Alevin Mortalities Monitoring 1995
95191 Injury to Salmon Eggs and Pre-Emergent Fry Research 1995
95163-C APEX: Fish Stomach Contents Analysis Research 1995
95163-A1 APEX: Abundance and Distribution of Forage Fish Research 1995
95163-A APEX: Abundance and Distribution of Forage Fish Research 1995
95139-C2 Lowe River Salmon General Restoration 1995
95139-B Otter Creek/Shrode Creek Study General Restoration 1995
95139-A2 Port Dick Creek Tributary Restoration General Restoration 1995
95139-A1 Waterfall Creek Bypass Instream Restoration General Restoration 1995
95139 Wild Stock Supplementation General Restoration 1995
95093 Pink Salmon Restoration General Restoration 1995
95076 Effects of Oil on Salmon Straying and Survival Research 1995
94505 Information Needs for Habitat Protection Habitat Protection 1994
94421 Salmon Stock Restoration General Restoration 1994
94320-P SEA: Program Management Research 1994
94320-N SEA: Nekton and Plankton Acoustics Research 1994
94320-L SEA: PWS System Investigation Research 1994
94320-K SEA: Experimental Fry Release Research 1994
94320-I SEA: Food Web Dependencies Research 1994
94320-G SEA: Phytoplankton and Nutrients Research 1994
94320-E SEA: Salmon Predation Research 1994
94320-D SEA: Pink Salmon Genetics General Restoration 1994
94320-C SEA: Otolith Thermal Mass Marking General Restoration 1994
94320-B SEA: Coded Wire Tagging of Wild Pinks General Restoration 1994
94320-A SEA: Salmon Growth and Mortality Research 1994
94320 SEA: Synthesis Research 1994
94191-2 Injury to Pink Salmon Eggs and Pre-Emergent Fry Research 1994
94191-1 Injury to Pink Salmon Eggs and Pre-Emergent Fry Research 1994
94185 Coded Wire Tagging of Wild Pinks General Restoration 1994
94184 Pink Salmon Coded Wire Tag Recovery General Restoration 1994
94139-C2 Lowe River Restoration General Restoration 1994
94139-B2 Otter Creek/Shrode Creek Instream Restoration General Restoration 1994
94139-B1 Otter Creek Restoration General Restoration 1994
94139-A2 Port Dick Creek Tributary Restoration General Restoration 1994
94139-A1 Little Waterfall Creek Restoration (Afognak) General Restoration 1994
93067 Coded Wire Tag Recoveries From Pink Salmon General Restoration 1993
93063 Habitat and Stock Restoration Techniques for Salmon General Restoration 1993
93051-C Habitat Protection Planning Habitat Protection 1993
93051 Stream Habitat Assessment Project Habitat Protection 1993
93003 Injury to Salmon Eggs and Pre-Emergent fry Research 1993
R105 Habitat and Stock Restoration Techniques for Salmon Damage Assessment 1992
R060-C Injury to Salmon Eggs and Pre-Emergent Fry in PWS Damage Assessment 1992
R060-A Coded Wire Tag Studies on PWS Salmon Damage Assessment 1992
R059 Assessment of Genetic Stock Structure of Salmonids Damage Assessment 1992
R047 Stream Habitat Assessment Damage Assessment 1992
FS28 Run Reconstruction and Life-History Models Damage Assessment 1992
FS04-B Impact of the Oil Spill on Juvenile Pink and Chum Salmon and Their Prey Damage Assessment 1992
FS04-A Early Marine Salmon Injury Assessment Damage Assessment 1992
FS04 Oil Spill Impact on Juvenile Salmon Damage Assessment 1992
FS03 Salmon Coded-Wire Tag Studies Damage Assessment 1992
FS02 Injury to Salmon Eggs and Preemergent Fry Damage Assessment 1992
FS01 Spawning Area Injury to Pink Salmon Damage Assessment 1992
FS28 Salmon Damage Assessment Damage Assessment 1991
FS08-CLO Salmon Damage Assessment Damage Assessment 1991
FS07 Salmon Spawning Injury Outside PWS Damage Assessment 1991
FS04 Early Marine Salmon Injury Assessment Damage Assessment 1991
FS03 Salmon Coded-Wire Tag Studies Damage Assessment 1991
FS02 Injury to Salmon Eggs and Preemergent Fry Damage Assessment 1991
FS01 Salmon Coded-Wire Tag Studies Damage Assessment 1991
ES07 Total Value of Natural Resources Damage Assessment 1991
TS02 Tissue Abnormality Study Damage Assessment 1990
FS28 Salmon Damage Assessment Damage Assessment 1990
FS08-B Salmon Damage Assessment Damage Assessment 1990
FS08-A Salmon Damage Assessment Damage Assessment 1990
FS07-B Salmon Spawning Injury-Kodiak and Chignik Damage Assessment 1990
FS07-A Salmon Spawning Injury-Lower Cook Inlet and Kenai Fjords Damage Assessment 1990
FS04 Early Marine Salmon Injury Assessment Damage Assessment 1990
FS03 Salmon Coded-Wire Tag Studies Damage Assessment 1990
FS02 Injury to Salmon Eggs and Preemergent Fry Damage Assessment 1990
FS01 Injury to Salmon Spawning Areas Damage Assessment 1990
TS02 Tissue Abnormality Study Damage Assessment 1989
FS09 Early Marine Salmon Injury Assessment Damage Assessment 1989
FS08 Injury to Pink and Chum Salmon Egg and Pre-Emergent Fry Damage Assessment 1989
FS07 Salmon Spawning Injury Outside PWS Damage Assessment 1989
FS04 Early Marine Salmon Injury Assessment Damage Assessment 1989
FS03 Salmon Coded-Wire Tag Studies Damage Assessment 1989
FS02 Injury to Salmon Eggs and Preemergent Fry Damage Assessment 1989
FS01 Injury to Salmon Spawning Areas Damage Assessment 1989